Guidance Curriculum

The guidance curriculum consists of structured developmental experiences presented systematically through classroom and group activities in kindergarten through grade twelve. The purpose of the guidance curriculum is to facilitate students normal growth and development, promote academic achievement and positive mental health, and assist students in acquiring and using life career skills.

Individual Planning

Individual planning activities help all students to plan, mentor, and manage their own learning, as well as their personal and career development. Within this component, students evaluate their educational, occupational, and personal goals and develop individual education/career plans no later than the eight grade in collaboration with parents/guardians. Activities in this component are counselor planned and directed. These activities are generally delivered on an individual basis or by working with individuals in small groups. Focus is on individual and personalized planning by each student. Individual planning is implemented through such strategies as:

  • Individual appraisal: School Counselors work with students analyzing and evaluating students' abilities, interests, skills, and achievement. Test information and other evaluation data form a basis for developing short-term and long-term plans with students.

  • Individual Assessments: School counselors wok with students to use personal-social, educational, and occupational goals. The involvement of students, parents, and school in planning a program that meets individual needs of student is critical.

  • Placement: School counselors assist students in making the transition from school to school, school to work, or school to additional education and training.

Response Services

Response services are activities that meet immediate needs and concerns of students. These needs or concerns may require counseling, consultation, referral, or information. Responsive services are available to all students and are often student, parent, or teacher initiated. While counselors have special training and skills to respond to these needs and concerns, the cooperation and support of the entire faculty are necessary for successful implementation of the component. Responsive services are delivered through these strategies:

  • Consultation: Counselor consult with parents, teachers, administrators, and community agencies regarding strategies to help students.

  • Personal Counseling: Counseling is provided on a small group or individual basis for students expressing difficulties dealing with relationships, personal concerns, or normal developmental tasks. Personal counseling assists students in identifying problems, causes, alternatives, and possible consequences so that appropriate action is taken.

  • Crisis Counseling: Counseling and support are provided to support and their families focusing emergency situations. Such counseling is nominally short-term and temporary in nature. When necessary, appropriate referral sources are used.

  • Referral: Counselors are familiar with school and community referral sources to deal with crisis such as suicide, violence, abuse, and terminal illness. There referral sources may include mental health agencies, employment and training programs, vocational rehabilitation, juvenile services, and/or social services.

    Crisis response and management, confidentiality, reporting suspected child abuse, referral list and guidelines.

System Support

System support consists of management activities that establish, maintain, and enhance the total guidance program. This component is implemented and carried out through activities in the following areas.

  • Program management, fair share responsibilities

  • Professional development, staff and community relations, consultations with teachers

  • Advisory councils, community outreach, research and development, developing activities

  • Accountability, and

  • Log activities.